Thank you for reading today's post. The product we are introducing today is mainly about bucket lid seal, which can also be called waterproof cover. Below, we will introduce this product to you based on our company's design and production.
We are a company that specializes in 55-gallon bucket packaging materials in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China. We adhere to the strategy of focusing on the domestic market and supplementary foreign markets to carry out our business. As one of the leading manufacturers of drum cap seals in China, Chongyi has its own factory and R&D department, and has many experiences and achievements in the design and development of drum cap seals. We can provide different types of 55-gallon drum cap seals, including metal cap seals and plastic drum cap seals, which have extensive applications in many aspects of real life.
The material of metal drum lid seal is mainly tinplate, following international standard specifications. The advantage of plastic drum lid seal lies in its easy installation by manual mounting on the opening neck, which is easier than the installation of metal drum lid seal. This process is also known as pushing. The label seal design of the lid has clear and even bottom paint, and has two distinct grooves, which make it easier for users to tear open the lid along the two scratch lines. The size of the drum cap seal is usually 2 inches and three quarters of an inch, and different colors and logos can also be customized according to customer's requirements. The drum cap seal is usually used together with the bung, which means consumers must first add a bung if they use drum cap seals. More details about drum cap seals will be described in the next post. If you have any further questions about this product, please feel free to contact us. Thank you again for reading.
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